Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Problems of Poultry and Yeast

 Good evening good ladies and good gentlemen! The purport of this post is to raise awareness of certain serious consequences that might arise if the general public is not made aware of such manifestations as only one who is of obscure and British decent could afford to offer. That being said, we must never forget to turn our high-beams off when approaching other vehicles on the road at night. This is a simple task which is not in the least bit difficult, so you'd better comply... or DIE. Aye! Do not listen to the lie... Or we will all live like pigs in a sty!

Just kidding!!! Did you like my little rhymes up there? Did anyone understand all that? If you did, please let me know, 'cause I didn't really understand a word of it. 

Anyhoosiumsios... Let's see. Life is pretty awesome (as always)... Worked day all, (that is to say, I worked all day). Very tired. And when you're tired the true genius comes fourth.(That is not a misspelling by the way, for I actually mean what I wrote). But if True Genius comes fourth, what comes fifth? Or one-hundred and fifth??? That, as our dear friend Mr. Shakespeare once did state, would seem to be the question. But when you bring bread into the picture....


(Bread, which contains Yeast)


...Things get interesting. 

Things will continue to get even more interesting when you introduce new factors, such as...


So in the end you have to ask yourself, "what's it all about?" And I will tell you. No matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, if you take Poultry and Yeast and put them together... 


You can make a bacon sandwich.


That's all for now folks. Remember...


Life is only what we make of it.


Chickens are really cool.


And I'm Eddy Blakeston.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Hey, Hey, Hey!!!!

 There are many happenings in this life here on earth that cause us to do things that are not smart. What they are depends entirely upon each individual to conclude on their own. Inciting the very passions that cause mankind to go awry, are the many defining factors of life and humanity, including but not entitled to the will and appreciation of all things insignificant and malpractical. If we were to in fact take all we know concerning the subjects of onions, garlic, and jello, we might realize the futility of our sultry and often futile existence conditions. I say this in the meaning of days of old, when old was young and young was young. If old was young and young was young... then there was a lot of young. Bearing this in mind then, we realize; First: Not all soup is vegetable; Fourth: Everyone needs somebody to smack their heads every once in a while; and Five-Hundred and Ninety-third: Chickens are really cool.


I'm Eddy Blakeston (after all these years).

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Due to technical difficulties and a lack of budget, the Company has recalled "Thanksgiving: Who's Better? (A Life, Love & Chooks Original Series)".

Life, Love & Chooks would like to apologize for this. Here's a word from the Author and Director and the King... and... setra.

"So what happened? Why didn't we release the Post Series? Because I lost interest in the project. And when I lose interest in a project, I cease to be interested in it. Anyway... The project was too hastily decided on by my Board of Directors (a.k.a. My half-operating brain). And so... I decided to nix the whole thing. But I still have a few words to say about Thanksgiving. Here they are:

Most countries celebrate some sort of Thanksgiving. Some call it Thanksgiving and others call it Erntedankfest. That's German for Thanksgiving... well... sort of. That's not a literal translation. Their celebration of Erntedankfest is more of a cultural religious celebration. It usually consists of a parade, a lot of church services, and they have a queen or something who gets a crown and all that. Thanksgiving in America is more of a time to get together with family, (if one has a family) and a time to go out to eat with a friend (if one does not have a family). Cool right? So yeah... That's what Thanksgiving is compared to Erntedankfest. They're different: One you can understand, the other's all in German.

Those are my thoughts on Thanksgiving."

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I'm Eddy Blakeston. Count your many blessings, or just... count the stars.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving: Who's Better? (A Life, Love & Chooks Original Series)

People all over the world partake joyfully in Thanksgiving festivities.


Now that I've hooked you with a grand opening statement... We'll proceed with business.

Thanksgiving: Who's Better?

Image result for horn of plenty
(A Life, Love & Chooks Original Series)

Welcome to "Thanksgiving: Who's Better?" --- (the most incredible Post Series ever to be written).

"Thanksgiving: Who's Better?" is Life, Love & Chooks' first Original Series to be released to the public! (Cool right?) The Series will consist of 8 original episodes (posts), authored by everybody's favorite blogger! (That's me!)

In this series I will endeavor to bring to an end all doubts concerning who is the most thankful country in the world. (So basically... Who's better).

The First Country we will cover is actually several countries.
After much debate and discussion the Board of Directors decided to split the Germanic Countries into three individual episodes: "In Germany", "Swiss Bliss", and "Austria: Their Thanksgiving".
(But I didn't like their decision so I overran it. Because I'm the president (no... make that the King) of this organization, and I can do that sort of thing).

So with out further ado...  Let the show begin!!!!

"Thanksgiving: Who's Better?" Episode 1 "Erntedank: The German Way"  (Only on Life, Love & Chooks). 

(Please Comment Below Publicly or Anonymously).

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Return

It was a cold November morning. I knew not the meaning, or to what my life was destined. I thought it would be over soon... (dramatic pause).

Hey folks! I'm back!
Isn't it grand?
And now, what fun we'll have!

Something's going to happen,
Something really big,
"What is it?" you might wonder,
"A mouse? A chair? A wig?

The fact is true that might be told,
An ancient tale of grandeur old,
If you can guess just what it means,
Than speak up friend and be though bold.

Life is like a whirlpool,
How I do not know,
The facts of it can be so cruel,
Why I do not know.

Tho' separated from my blog,
For oh so long a time,
Now I have risen to the task,
To share my life in rhyme!


I'm Back!
Oh happy day, I'm Back!
Be not fearful I will leave,
I've returned so do not grieve!

I'm Eddy Blakeston. Remember me? I'm back now. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

About Quality Cars

Hey Readers! I'm back!

Sorry to have kept you all waiting so long for a post. I've been busy.

This post is about cars, and what you should look for in a car you intend to purchase.

Here are a few examples of cars you don't want to buy:

This one- no good.

This two - nope.

When buying a car, the most important thing (after checking the tires and the gas mileage), is to make sure it drives. Those cars I just showed you,  will most likely not drive. So try and find something that will.

Ford Taurus - yup.

So yeah... I hope this post will help you when you need to buy a car. Buy a car that drives. That's just a really good principal to go by when selecting a vehicle for purchase.

Have a good one. Be cool. Don't buy a car at a junk yard.

I'm Eddy Blakeston (or am I?)

Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Fat Fat Finger (An Epic Poem)

T'was an old rainy day,
On the seventh of September,
T'was the day when my finger,
Nearly got dismembered.

It was epic on that night,
When I knocked that frisbee under.
My hand it smashed into the ground,
And the pain did start like thunder.
The pain began to surge,
As the players stared in wonder.

"How does he do it?"
They said to one another,
"Does he have some sort of secret?
Or some sort of expertise?"
I calmly smiled down at them and said
"Noblesse Oblige."

"Of course I have a secret,
And also expertise!
But then again I'm humble,
And do so as I please."

Then they asked me something else,
Which slipped right through my head,
It made no contact with my brain,
So I just bowed and said...

There's a little pain in everybody's life,
But there's much to gain in every passing strife,
So don't give up and keep on while I linger,
To tell you all about my fat, fat finger.

(musical interlude)

My teammates flocked around me,
They showered me with praise.
My hand was quite sore from the play,
But pain did not me phase. 

I bravely met each teammate's hand,
With one warm clap from mine,
But then I saw the truth,
As I reached the end of line.

My hand it was as red as blood,
My fingers filled with pain,
I strove to make the aching cease,
But the throbbing still remained.

And now the saddest part of all,
I played again that night,
But since my left hand was quite swelled,
I used naught but my right.
It did not make all that much difference,
But I admit that I,
Was just a little frightened,
That my fingers- they might die.

It was my middle finger,
On my poor old left hand sad,
It swelled up like a great balloon,
And made my nerves quite mad.
So when I finally reached my home,
I wrapped it up in ice,
I wrote a post one-handed,
And I clamped it in a vice.

That last line was of course a joke,
I did not clamp my finger,
Instead I put myself to bed,
And slept there with my finger.

This all seems strange to you I think,
But it happened in September,
And now if you'd but lend your ear,
I think you would remember.

(chorus 2)
That there's a little pain in everybody's life,
But there's much to gain in every passing strife,
So don't give up and keep on while I linger,
To tell you all about my fat fat finger.