Saturday, September 22, 2018

About Quality Cars

Hey Readers! I'm back!

Sorry to have kept you all waiting so long for a post. I've been busy.

This post is about cars, and what you should look for in a car you intend to purchase.

Here are a few examples of cars you don't want to buy:

This one- no good.

This two - nope.

When buying a car, the most important thing (after checking the tires and the gas mileage), is to make sure it drives. Those cars I just showed you,  will most likely not drive. So try and find something that will.

Ford Taurus - yup.

So yeah... I hope this post will help you when you need to buy a car. Buy a car that drives. That's just a really good principal to go by when selecting a vehicle for purchase.

Have a good one. Be cool. Don't buy a car at a junk yard.

I'm Eddy Blakeston (or am I?)

Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Fat Fat Finger (An Epic Poem)

T'was an old rainy day,
On the seventh of September,
T'was the day when my finger,
Nearly got dismembered.

It was epic on that night,
When I knocked that frisbee under.
My hand it smashed into the ground,
And the pain did start like thunder.
The pain began to surge,
As the players stared in wonder.

"How does he do it?"
They said to one another,
"Does he have some sort of secret?
Or some sort of expertise?"
I calmly smiled down at them and said
"Noblesse Oblige."

"Of course I have a secret,
And also expertise!
But then again I'm humble,
And do so as I please."

Then they asked me something else,
Which slipped right through my head,
It made no contact with my brain,
So I just bowed and said...

There's a little pain in everybody's life,
But there's much to gain in every passing strife,
So don't give up and keep on while I linger,
To tell you all about my fat, fat finger.

(musical interlude)

My teammates flocked around me,
They showered me with praise.
My hand was quite sore from the play,
But pain did not me phase. 

I bravely met each teammate's hand,
With one warm clap from mine,
But then I saw the truth,
As I reached the end of line.

My hand it was as red as blood,
My fingers filled with pain,
I strove to make the aching cease,
But the throbbing still remained.

And now the saddest part of all,
I played again that night,
But since my left hand was quite swelled,
I used naught but my right.
It did not make all that much difference,
But I admit that I,
Was just a little frightened,
That my fingers- they might die.

It was my middle finger,
On my poor old left hand sad,
It swelled up like a great balloon,
And made my nerves quite mad.
So when I finally reached my home,
I wrapped it up in ice,
I wrote a post one-handed,
And I clamped it in a vice.

That last line was of course a joke,
I did not clamp my finger,
Instead I put myself to bed,
And slept there with my finger.

This all seems strange to you I think,
But it happened in September,
And now if you'd but lend your ear,
I think you would remember.

(chorus 2)
That there's a little pain in everybody's life,
But there's much to gain in every passing strife,
So don't give up and keep on while I linger,
To tell you all about my fat fat finger.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Life Is Great (Depends On How You Look At It)

Those are my fingers. See the one in the middle. It is fat.
Hey Folks!

You may wonder why my one middle finger is fat. That's why I'm writing this post- to tell you.
So, my life was going just fine: I had finished a great day of work. Great. I got to go play frisbee. Great. I felt (and played) really good. Greater. I made a really great hand block. Greatest. When I made the hand block my hand crashed into the ground causing one of my fingers to feel as if it was broken... Ouch. 

So yeah!  I either jammed my finger or I broke it. Isn't that awesome?:) But hey! Life is great, 'cause I still got ten fingers. What more could one ask for?

I'm Eddy Blakeston.

My finger's broken.

I want my nookie...

Life's Great!

(And I wrote this whole post one-handed!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Leonard was a mouse. And always had been one as far as he could remember, (which wasn't long). He was not any different than most mice, save the fact that his name was... well- Leonard. He like most other mice lived right in the midst of a great war. Not the Great War, but a great war. This war raged on day and night, never ceasing. It was, as you have probably guessed, a war between Leonard's family and the family of Farm Cats. Yes- Leonard lived on a farm.

He'd lived in the old mouse hole in the old farmhouse his entire life, from the time he was born in fact. The mouse hole in which he lived had been in his family for generations. Nearly three hundred generations had lived in that hole before Leonard, and many more generations will live in it in years to come most likely.

As I said before... Leonard was a mouse; which meant one thing- it meant that he was a mouse. Plain and simple. And now that you are introduced to our principal character, I will begin the story. Don't worry; I will introduce the other characters in the story as I progress. Now to begin!

It was a clear, crisp November morning... Just kidding. It was actually a very hot, humid afternoon in the middle of September. (The first beginning was too picturesque and typical). So anyway...

It was a hot, grimy, humid afternoon near the beginning of September. The leaves had not yet begun to fall. The corn was just starting to turn brown, as the moisture slowly escaped into the over-moist atmosphere. Pumpkins were soon to be harvested. (I assume so anyway... I have absolutely no knowledge of pumpkin farming, it just sounds right). The day was so sweltering that even the ducks had no wish to leave the shade of their barn to swim in the pond.

It was on this day, that poor Leonard's adventures began. (Remember, Leonard was a mouse). He had just finished his lunch of corn and- corn.
Patting his chubby, little stomach, Leonard sat back against the wall of the barn and heaved a great sigh of relief. He burped a bit too, but we'll talk less of that. They were teeny burps anyway, because he was a mouse, and mice by nature are teeny.

After he had finished performing the afore-mentioned activities, he stood up and traipsed through the barn door and outside into the great, sweaty heat. Brushing a bead of sweat from his forehead, he said to himself, "It is so hot out here."

This brilliant observation, I hope you have already gathered, was correct.

Poor, little Leonard. (Note I call him poor, little Leonard. Emphasis on the "poor", which suggests that something unpleasant is about to happen to him).

What is that unpleasant thing which is about to happen to him? I haven't decided yet, so I guess I'll tell you another time.

Hang in there people. Let me know what you think, and yeah...

I'm cool.

I'm me.

I'm Eddy Blakeston.

Monday, September 3, 2018

A Little About Weddings

As you all know already from reading my last post, I went to a wedding on Sunday. Not only did I go, but I was one of two Filmer's, lending our talents to capture that very special occasion for the bride and groom.

But about weddings... It was super fun filming the ceremony. We had two cameras and a gopro set up in different places, and then I had a fourth camera that I filmed some clips with. I was up on the balcony, which was awesome. No one down below could get in my way. They would have had to be Goliath plus three of him to get in my way. But even then, they probably would have made him sit in the back, because he would have blocked everyone else's lines of visions. So yeah... But thankfully Goliath plus three was not there, and the video footage that we got was quite satisfactory. The last two times I've filmed a wedding I only had one camera, so I didn't have any backup footage to fall back on when I made a mistake. It was amazing.

But to say a little more about weddings... Weddings in general are a bit too long for me in any case. I soon get bored. Yeah... 'Tis the truth.

And so there is a very boring post. Hope you enjoyed it. Hope you were bored. Hope you come again. Hope I lose my socks. Hope you don't forget. Hope I leave an impression. Hope you don't regret. Hope I can remember. Hope you don't hold it against yourself. :l

I'm Eddy Blakeston.

Be good today.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

One Would Think Wouldn't One? (If It Was Worth The Trouble That Is)

Hey Persons!

Another day in the books! What books is the day in, and how can one day fit in several books? I-dunno. But that's how it works. People have accepted the fact for years that one day can fit in multiple books. That's how it works folks. :) 

But what am I writing about? This I do not know. Today I went to a wedding rehearsal. Cool. Tomorrow I'm going to a wedding. Cool. Monday I go to a men's party, (Could be guns). Cool. Tuesday I chill. Cool. (Literally). Wensday I go to Work. . . . . Cool. Thursday I go to eye-doctor. Eye-doctor look at my eyes. She tell me eyes no good. Me need contact. Me need glasses on eyes. . . . Cool! Friday I go to work. Cool enough I guess. Saturday I go to work again. Getting really not cool now. Then Sunday comes, and I'm getting married. My family knows it not yet, but in between all the hubbaloo of my hudmdrudm life, I'm going to meet a girl on Tuesday. Date her Wensday night. Ask for her hand on Saturday night, and if she agrees to give it to me, then I'll marry her Sunday. Cool. 

💕(This post was sponsored by and funded by the EBLPAWS (Eddy Blakeston Love Post Association of Willow Street).

So yeah... There's a post on love. By me. Myself. Nobody but-

Eddy Blakeston. 

Sleep well tonight.