Friday, August 31, 2018

Another Day Is Done; Now We're Ready For Some Fun!

Hey people! How are your lives? Mine are great, thanks. 

Just completed a complete day working at market! (Note I said a complete day of market, not an incomplete day. Just note that). It was a busy day today and I was ready to get home. Not because I didn't want to work, but because I wanted to not work. (Just thought I'd clarify about that). So yeah! Enough on that... I worked... I rocked... I cool. 

An example of how cool I look. (It was a long day, so cut me some slack).

So what now? I really couldn't say. What do you want to hear? Alright... I'll say something funny. 


So this guy named Bob woke up one morning and felt really tired. He trudged downstairs where his brother Ned was preparing for work. 
Said Bob to Ned, "I feel so tired."
Said Ned to Bob, "Why." 
At this question, Bob thought for a minute. 


[I just thought that was funny. What did you think? Feel free to leave a comment. Feel free to tell me what you thought of it, as long as it's not negative. That would hurt my feelings. (Just kidding)].

Talk to you another time. Keep hangin' in there readers! I will have a SUPER-POST out very soon. "What's a SUPER-POST?" you may ask, and I will reply- "That's cute. Have a good night. 'Cause I'm-"

Eddy Blakeston

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Something About Life

Good evening, good and faithful readers!

Today is another day! (Duh).

You may ask me why I am writing this post, and I would have to tell you- "There really isn't any reason I guess. I was just thinking I should probably."

After all, I don't want you to get depressed and low down, because I have not been giving you amazing stuff to read. :) So this is just to let you know that I'm still in business. So yeah...

I want to say something about life. I told you the other day that life was good (which it is), but I wanted to say something about the not-so-amazing aspects of life. For although life is good, it is also hard at times, especially when life gets super busy and  hectic.

That's me when life gets super busy and hectic. (I know; the hair still looks awesome).
So for example... This last week I started working back at the market that I used to work at. It was fun. I'm going to be working on Wednesdays (Translated: Wensdays), and Fridays. It's amazing, 'cause it's the first time money has really been coming in for a while. And I like money to come in. Money makes me feel... richer. So anyhoo...
It's also great having a job, because I was becoming quite the lazy bum over this past summer, and it's not good to be a lazy bum, because lazy bums are bums... and they're lazy too.
So the job's been good.

So yeah. Good talking again. I'll see you for my next post. Be there.

I'm Eddy Blakeston

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Life Is Good

Hey folks. I know I posted an amazing post earlier about my amazing life, but I thought I would share some more of my amazingness with you (if you can take any more). Anyhoosie...

So life... It's good. Do you want to know why? I'll tell you. 

So first off... This past Thursday I went to the eye-doctor to get a new glasses prescription.

That's me. And my glasses. (You like my hair don't you? Everyone does).

So anyway... I got a prescription, and then I got a prescription for contacts as well. I wasn't planning on getting contacts, but I got them. It took me forever to get the contacts onto my eyeballs. Then I wore them for a bit. And then they made me take the contacts back off my eyeballs, which took another forever. Anyway... 
So I got home later and was like- "I don't even want contacts."
So I didn't wear them at all. Then today (or yesterday now), I had decided to give my contacts a try. So I said- "Contacts, I have decided to give you a try."
So I went to give them a try, but couldn't find them. After looking everywhere, we finally came to the conclusion that we had left them at the eye-doctor, so that was cool. 

Then in the evening I went to the park with a few of my brothers to film a scene for the movie we're working on. We started filming in a bunch of really long grass. Well, long story short; while filming, I had my brother run through that long grass. In the process he stepped on some sort of nest. And it was a yellow jackets nest. You get the idea. He got six stings. I got four stings. We all got trauma.

So yeah... Lost my contacts, got stung by hornets. And I lost my nookie when I was two! 

Life Is Good. :)

'Cause I'm Eddy Blakeston. Have a good night. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

A REASON TO LIVE ON: Confessions of a Former Nookie-Sucker

When I was two, I loved my nookie. I wouldn't go anywhere without it. It gave me a sense of purpose and my life a special meaning when I had that nookie in my mouth. Life was as good as it could be. But not for long. I had no idea that those happy times were soon to come to an end.

Monday morning, the 31st of November. I had just woken up, ready to take on whatever life was to throw at me that day. Waking up, I called for someone to come and take me out of my crib. Back then I used the form of communication called- "Waaah".... It worked well.

That particular morning, it was my sister Jean who came into my room to get me up. She was generally a kind-hearted girl, but that morning she did something cruel and unkind.

On picking me up, she said what most sisters say to their little brother who just woke up from a nap.

"Oh Eddy, you're soooo cute!"

(Don't get me wrong. That was not the cruel and unkind something).
She kissed me on the cheek. She kissed me on the cheek. And she kissed me on the cheek again. I never understood it, but everyone I met seemed to have this thing about kissing my cheeks.

To return to the story...

Jean picked me up. She started carrying me toward the door.

And then it hit me. My mouth had nothing in it. (Save the usuals: teeth, tongue, throat, and saliva).

My nookie was not in it!

I cried desperately. I desperately cried. Desperately I cried. Cried I desperately. Cried desperately I. (You get the picture).

I looked around for my nookie, but it was nowhere in sight. It was gone! They had taken it away from me.

My dear mother explained to me that my nookie was gone. Never to return. I was sad. Sad was I. (Never mind).

And to this day, I still understand not why they took my nook from me.

The End.

(For your information, the story above is not strictly true in every aspect. It was however, based on true events, for I was in truth a Nookie-addict when I was a very small child, and I am no longer sucking on one, so I assume they took it away from me at some point. Jean is real, but that is not her actual name. So yeah... Look for more autobiographical works from me in the future.)

I'm Eddy Blakeston.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Welcome To My Blog

Hello to everyone lucky enough/fortunate enough to be reading this post right now! To start us off, I'd like to explain a little about myself and about the purport of this blog.

First- About Myself: I am a person. I am between 6 and 90 years old. I like to do things. And last but not least... I'm really cool. (Now before you start talking to yourselves about how conceited I am, I want you to know, that I have a very sarcastic and often dry sense of humor). So if my humor turns you off at first, I understand. But please don't give up on me, 'cause I'm like a tree planted in a pot, and then placed upon your head... I grow on you. :)

Now you may be wondering to yourself (or to someone else for that matter), what this blog is about. I'll tell you what it's about.

It's about Life.


It's about Love. 


And it's about Chooks. 


And now you might ask me what all that means. And I'll tell you... some other time of course. :)

It's been good spending time with me. See you next time!

I'm Eddy Blakeston.